
Media shout 4 how to edit horizontal spacing
Media shout 4 how to edit horizontal spacing

media shout 4 how to edit horizontal spacing

In order for spacing between paragraphs to be active, Word must recognize your paragrpahs as paragraphs. You can do the things discussed here - set spacing for Before of After a paragraph, clear the checkbox on “Don’t add space betweek paragraphs of the same style” - and STILL not see spacing between what you see as paragraphs in your document. Here’s a “deep in the weeds” variation on this topic. I bear no responsibility for any pickles you might get yourself into! Always save a copy of your document before manipulating it. Mac compatible versions of Word should have similar options. Please note, these hints work with versions of Microsoft Word currently in use – Word 2007 and Word 2010, for PC. If you have enjoyed this post or found it useful, please share the link! I’m not entirely sure why this method works over the previous one, to be honest, but it worked for me and it was hard for me to find an easy, quick answer, so hopefully this will help a few people! I pressed OK and the paragraphs all behaved beautifully. I also unticked Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style (it was filled in with blue rather than ticked so I clicked twice to get a tick and then no tick): I then stayed on the Indents and Spacing tab and set my After spacing to 12pt and my line spacing to 2 (just in case). I right-clicked on the highlighted text and chose Paragraph from the options: How to solve the problem of inconsistent paragraph spacing

media shout 4 how to edit horizontal spacing

Individual paragraphs still had no automatic spaces between then, even if I removed the line feed and pressed Enter again.

media shout 4 how to edit horizontal spacing

I set the paragraph and line spacing as I normally do: highlight the whole document, go to the Home tab, Paragraph section, and click the down arrow on the Spacing button:įrom which you choose your line spacing and lines after paragraphs options (I will write up a main post about this soon). I was working on a bibliography for a client. This just happened to me, which is why I’ve written up this article. My spaces between paragraphs are uneven – help! This is valid for Word 2007 and Word 2010, with Word 2013 to follow soon. This article tells you what to do if you think you’ve set your paragraph line spacing for the whole document but individual paragraphs refuse to behave.

Media shout 4 how to edit horizontal spacing