Prism 6.02 (Windows) and 6.0c (Mac) introduced an bug such that the P value was always reported P exists in startupconfig.xml, then Prism disables the corresponding check box in the preferences dialog.

The Wilcoxon rank sum test is a nonparametric test that is part of the column statistics analysis that compares the computed median with a theoretical value you enter.You can to mail sheet/project/family under OS 10.7.If you choose not to open a file when you quit Prism, Prism still saves a backup (unless you set Preferences not to), and when you open that file, Prism now gives you a choice of whiich version of file to open: auto-saved or manually saved version.Improved labeling of hazard ratio (and its reciprocal) in survival analysis.Reports sample size of each group in the results of Mann-Whitney test.You can choose to plot symbols at censored points only for survival graphs showing staircase with ticks.The Delete Sheet dialog is wider so you can see long sheet names, and taller so there is less need to scroll.You can choose symbol shape, border color and border thickness for outliers in box-whisker graphs.

See changes. Earlier releases will run under Mavericks if already installed, but cannot be installed on a Mavericks computer. A seperate page lists what's new in 6.03 Win. If you are updating from an earlier release, see what was new in 6.0b and 6.0c. This page lists the changes in Prism Mac from 6.0c to 6.0d (which began beta testing in July 2013).